What is debt restructuring? And it types…
Debt restructure is a method in which individuals, company, or even a country avoid the risk of defaulting on the existing debts, like negotiating lower interest rates. It offers a less expensive option to bankruptcy when a buyer is in financial disaster, which is beneficial for both the lender and borrower.
How Debt Restructure Works
Most company views restructure the debt when they are facing the probability of bankruptcy. This process involves getting banks to agree or reduce the interest rates on loans and increase the dates when the company’s debts are paid. That will improve the company’s chances of paying back its staying and obligations in business. Creditors understand that they will receive even less have to be the company forced into liquidation or bankruptcy.
Debt restructuring will be a win-win for both because the business avoids bankruptcy. The lenders mainly get them more than they would have via a bankruptcy proceeding.
The method works much the same for individuals and nations, although on vastly different scales.
Individuals who hope to restructure the debts can hire a debt relief company to assist in the negotiations. But they should make sure they are dealing with a reputable one, not a scam.
Types of Debt Restructuring
- Debt Restructuring for Companies
Businesses have several tools at their disposal for restructuring their debts. One is a debt-for-equity swap. That occurs when the creditors agree to cancel one portion, or all, of a company’s leading debts in trade for equity (part ownership) in the business. Usually, the swap is a favoured option when both the outstanding debt and the company’s assets are significant; forcing the industry to cease operations would be counterproductive. The creditors would instead take control of the distressed company, if necessary, as a going concern.
A company looking the restructure its debt may also be renegotiated with its bondholders to “take a haircut”. That means a portion of the outstanding interest payments will be written off or will not repay a part of the balance.
A company will mainly issue callable bonds to protect itself from a situation in which it cannot make its interest payments. A bond with a callable characteristic can be redeemed early by the issuer in times of decreasing interest rates. That allows the issuer to restructure debt in the future because it will replace the existing debt with new debt with a low-interest rate.
- Debt Restructuring for Countries
Countries can handle default on sovereign debt, and this has been the case throughout history. Nowadays, some countries opt to restructure their debt with bondholders. That can mean moving the debt from the private sector to public sector institutions that may be better capable of managing the impact of a country’s default.
Sovereign bondholders also may have to take a “haircut” by allowing them to receive a reduced percentage of what they are owed, maybe 25% of their bonds’ total value. The maturity dates on bonds can also extend, giving the government issuer extra time to secure the funds it needs to return its bondholders.
Unluckily, this type of debt restructuring doesn’t have much international oversight, even when restructuring efforts across borders.
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